Women’s Ministry

Sweet Tuesdays

Spring Session

9:00AM - 11:00AM

Sweet Tuesdays, a women’s Bible study, has been a longstanding tradition at Bethany Covenant Church. We meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 - 11:00AM for fellowship and singing, with our primary focus on studying God’s word.

Our scheduled sessions are: Fall/Winter (September to December) and Winter/Spring (January to May). Women of all ages are welcome.

Please contact Pinky Rines or Kathy Sasseville if you have questions.

For those who cannot attend on Tuesday mornings, contact Jackie Mullen for information on the Monday evening group.

Winter/Spring Session Group Options:


By: Douglas Connelly

From: The Life Guide Bible Study Series

Thirty-four of the Bible's sixty-six books talk about angels in detail. Every New Testament writer confirms their existence. Jesus himself referred to angels as real beings who were involved in every realm of human activity.

Leader: Sandy Minnick

Discovering the Person Jesus Created You to Be

By: James Bryan Smith

From: Intervarsity Press

Who are you becoming as a Christian? Are toxic self-narratives holding you back from deep, marvelous transformation in Christ? How you see yourself shapes the way you interact with God and others. Smith shows that allowing the Lord to bring healing opens you up to living fully as the amazing person you were always intended to be!

Leader: Sarah Mattern

Nine Ways the Bible’s Story Changes Everything about Your Story

By: Nancy Guthrie

From: Crossway

The Bible is often summarized as creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. But we're destined for more! From the beginning, God's story has been headed toward consummation and glory.  The Eden we read about in Genesis 1 and 2 wasn’t yet everything God intended for his creation.  It was unsullied but incomplete.  Guthrie traces nine themes that reveal God's plan for a new creation that's far more magnificent than the original---and explains how to recognize signs of it now.

Leaders: Kathy Sasseville & Pinky Rines


By: Community Bible Study

From: Engage Bible Studies – Tools that Transform

Is God beyond our galaxy, wrapped up in the Cosmic Control Center of the Universe? Or is He approachable, personal, and intimately involved in the details of our lives?  In this 12-lesson in-depth study of Daniel, you will learn that God is both independent and intimate, and you will engage with what such profound truths mean in your life.

Leader: Liz Hanlon